What We Can Do To Help Rosacea

If you’ve ever dealt with rosacea before, you know that it can be frustrating and leave your skin bright red and even burning. There is no cure for rosacea but there are many ways that your dermatologist can help you treat and manage rosacea so that you have fewer flare-ups. Your dermatologists at The Dermatology Center at Ladera in Ladera Ranch, CA, can explain how they can help manage rosacea and help you feel comfortable living with this condition.

Dealing with Rosacea

There is no known cause for rosacea, but it often runs in families. It’s important that if you are dealing with rosacea, you talk to your dermatologist in Ladera Ranch, CA, to discuss how you can get treatment for your rosacea and feel comfortable in your skin.

Your dermatologist can help create a treatment plan that helps to manage the symptoms that may come with rosacea. This could mean taking certain medications and making lifestyle changes to help avoid triggers and flare-ups.

You should always wear sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher. This helps protect your skin and exposure to sunlight can trigger your rosacea to flare up. You also should be avoiding the sun from 10 am until 4 pm when UV rays are most powerful.

It’s also important that you’re taking care of your skin. You should be using a mild cleanser and a gentle technique. Warm water should be used, and you should be using a soft towel to clean and dry your face.

If you are dealing with a flare-up, laser therapy can help ease your symptoms. This can also help reduce the appearance of blood vessels and reduce redness in your skin.

Contact Our Dermatologists Today

Find out how you can live with rosacea. Contact our dermatologists at The Dermatology Center at Ladera in Ladera Ranch, CA, to find out how to manage your rosacea. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (949) 364-8411.

The Dermatology Center at Ladera

600 Corporate Drive Suite 240
Ladera Ranch, CA 92694

Tel: (949) 364-8411
Fax: (949) 364-8511

Office Hours

Monday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed